Tackling the new regulations for bulk email senders
Google and Yahoo, independently of one another, have come with new guidelines regarding bulk senders that will take effect from February 2024. Now while these guidelines have essentially been “best [...]
Is 2024 the year the cookie crumbles for A/B testing?
2023 is over and reviewing it we can surely say that it was a turbulent year filled with a lot of positive events. India became the first country to [...]
Heatmaps: Transforming Visitor Data into Actionable Insights
Heatmaps are a game-changer in the world of website optimization. They take vast amounts of visitor data and transform it into visually digestible snapshots of your website. These snapshots reveal [...]
Uncover Insights with Surveys
Surveys have been a trusted method for gaining deep insights into your audience for decades, and their effectiveness remains unparalleled. They offer a unique opportunity to collect quantitative feedback directly [...]
7 Steps to launch your own A/B testing program
Ready to boost your decision-making and optimize your digital presence? Here's a concise guide to kickstart your A/B testing program: Step 1: Set Clear Goals Define your A/B testing objectives: [...]
Visitor Recordings: Understanding User Behavior
Have you ever wished you could step into the shoes of your website's visitors and see precisely how they interact with your site? Well, you don't need a crystal ball [...]