Symplify Internship | Half time post
It is time for a halftime check-in blog post! The month of May has officially arrived and soon Stockholm is to be in full bloom [...]
Symplify Internship | What is CX?
This will be my fifth blog post for Symplify and I wanted to take this opportunity to delve into my academic journey and shed some light on the principles [...]
Symplify Internship | Do you know what your customers actually think of you?
Time is passing by really fast. We are approaching the end of April, and time is running by really fast now. Now, onto the main event for this post: [...]
Symplify Internship | Discovering the competitive SaaS landscape
It is officially April and spring time should be just around the corner., I am in my third week of the internship at Symplify. I am still in the [...]
Symplify Internship | Getting to know a new workplace
So the first week at Symplify has passed. There is always a special feeling about being the new colleague at work. I was pleasantly surprised with a familiar face [...]
Symplify Internship | All it takes is a single “Yes”
I am going to assume the primary reader of this post will be in the process of trying to land their first or maybe second internship (LIA) somewhere, it’s [...]