Death of the cookie?

The end of the 3rd party cookie?

A/B testing made simple yet powerful

Gone are the days when websites are changed on a whim, based on gut feeling and supposed “best practices”. The era of data-driven, iterative change has arrived.

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A/B testing made simple yet powerful

Gone are the days when websites are changed on a whim, based on gut feeling and supposed “best practices”. The era of data-driven, iterative change has arrived.

Learn what your visitors like

A/B testing is synonymous with modern web development. In a simple A/B test, two different versions of a page, an “A” version and a “B” version, are sent to two similar sets of random viewers. This is also known as A/B/n or Split testing.

The A and B versions may be totally different, or may differ only in key areas; for example, the headline, image or call to action.

The goal of an A/B test is to determine which version performs best. Metrics that may be evaluated include email opt-ins, link clicks, bounce rate, or purchases.

Symplify Conversion makes A/B testing easy. To run an A/B test, you need to do these 4 things:

1. Create the “A” and “B” variations. Create different versions of your website using our drag ann drop editor, or hard code your changes in Javascript and CSS.

2. Setup the test. Define which visitors should experience the test and which URLs will be included.

3. Track on-page analytics. Symplify Conversion tracks the actions taken by site users; for example, which links they click, how long they stay on the site, which URLs they visit, how many of them opt-in to an email form, etc.

4. Analyze the results. Once you have data on how the “A” and “B” variants perform, analyze the result and determine which variation should be implemented. Just keep in mind, not all negative test results are actually negative. Read the Revolution Race case to find out why.

Learn more about A/B tests in our blog posts Unveiling the Power of A/B-testing and 7 Steps to launch your own A/B testing program.

“It is an amazing way to increase your online revenue”

“My first wow moment was when I saw the impact A/B testing had on our figures and business growth. A couple of tests later we could actually measure and see the great payoff from the A/B tests. It is an amazing way to increase your online revenue. This is a must for everyone that wants to grow their online business for real.”

Jonatan Johansson

Growth Manager and CRO-specialist,

What can you A/B test?

  • USP lists

  • Headlines

  • Layout

  • Colours

  • Buttons

  • Calls to action

  • Contact details

  • Shipping details

  • Picture sizes

  • Countdowns

  • Animations

  • Functionality

  • Pricing

  • Hover effects

  • Banners

  • Sticky / non sticky

  • Checkout process

  • Header content

  • Recommendations

  • Above the fold content

  • Fly to cart

  • Testimonials

  • Copy

  • Clarity

  • Trust

  • Branding

  • Payment methods

  • Responsive design

  • Mobile layout

  • Images

  • Design

  • Text size

  • And lots more!

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In light of the Schrems II ruling and its repercussions on suppliers and software solutions operating on the European market. Download our guide. 

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