Symplify Internship | My final Intern post
This will be the final blog post. 14 weeks have almost passed and my time at Symplify is soon to be over. This series of blog posts have focused on both my experience and some more educational content about CX. Hopefully this blog can inspire, provide some knowledge about CX and (hopefully!) create some additional CX advocates. So, for this week’s blog post I wanted to make a short summary reflecting back at what has happened during this internship.

Projects during internship
CX and insights project: For my Insight project, one part has involved collecting data and the second part to create a toolbox for documentation and sharing of insights. This project has required me to gain an understanding of the company, its processes, and how the product is developed. Additionally, it has been insightful for me to approach the employees at Symplify and practice my skills in asking the right questions.
I have gained new experiences in how product development is happening at Symplify. And more about the technical terminology that I previously did not know about, but also a deeper understanding of the complexities that comes with developing a SaaS product.
Competitors analysis: My second project for this internship was to create a rigorous competitors analysis that could be useful as a guiding document for Symplify to benchmark against. Doing the analysis has helped me gain some insight into competitors, their pricing offers, what functionalities are available and the overall look and feel of each competitor.
Blogger: This one was a surprise. I have always liked being creative, so maybe it should not have been that surprising how much I have enjoyed creating text based content for the Symplify blog. My posts have shifted between some educational content about CX with some sprinkles of my reflections from my internship. The blog has forced myself to reflect and reiterate some of the knowledge I have acquired in school and at Symplify.
For all future interns that might have clicked on this blog; you might be in the same shoes as I was before I managed to end up at Symplify. Finding an internship can be really difficult, and even more stressful. Just keep going and do not give up. Go to my first ever blog post to read more about my experience and for some tips on how you can reach the internship you want.
This was a short summary of my time at Symplify. I am really thankful for the company to have taken me in and offered me the opportunity to get to know their organisation. I am now even more motivated to continue developing my career and expanding my knowledge. I will now continue on my journey towards becoming maybe a CX Specialist, a business developer or maybe a CRM specialist. Only time will tell where I will end up. Thank you Symplify for all that you have given me!
Many thanks. Laura.