Your communication is important. It plays a big role in your 1:1 relationship with each and every one of your customers. So, whether it’s a newsletter, confirmation order, abandoned cart reminder or a voice message – make sure it carries the right message.

We’ll give you some substantial tips on how to make it all the way to your customers hearts.

Don’t forget, you are dealing with real people

Write as if you’ve met the person who receives your message. Or, at least, as if you are writing to a real person, not a bunch of random faces. If you haven’t set a purpose for your newsletter or “know” your target group well enough, you may easily fall into a rather impersonal language that won’t “wow” your readers at all. So, add a familiarity to your message and watch your family of followers grow.

Make your links intriguing, yet clear.

The links in your newsletter should be alluring without ending up an enigma. In other words: Make your readers interested in an offer and make sure you let them know what happens once they click the button.

Avoid links using the not-so-good but oh-so-old « Click here! », « Read more » or « To the web shop ». Instead, turn to the more comprehensible « Take part of the offer » or « I want 20% discount on my next purchase ». This will have a much more appealing look and feel.

I’m ready to press send! Or am I?

We know that it can be tempting to send the campaign as soon as you’ve finished your last sentence, chosen the images and completed the layout. However, at this point. Breathe! And step away from your computer.

You’ve come to the point where you need a set of extra eyes on your work.

Start off with the basics, is all the important info there? Are the links correct? Have you gotten your facts straight?

Ok, you’re ready to have your masterpiece proofread. Once that is done, schedule the campaign/message and get comfy in your seat. This is where all the fun begins! Well, at least if you are interested in statistics and testing. Who opened your email? Who acted on Call To Actions? And so on. Fun, fun, fun!

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