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50% of your revenue comes from your top 5 pages. Learn how to test on vital pages.
How Sambla took the scientific approach to registration form testing that gave real uplift in the bottom line.
In this webinar, we will look at how Sambla gained uplift in a crowded market place by taking a measured approach to the age old conundrum of the registration form. The humble registration form, while very much the foundation of any commercial site, it is something that’s actually very difficult to get right, but incredibly easy to get wrong.
In this webinar, you’ll learn how to:
- An in-depth look at a typical A/B test cycle.
- How to establish a strategy and prioritise your testing.
- How to use data when optimising.
- A concrete test case, walking through how to test vital pieces of your site’s infrastructure.
Lukas Rogvall
CRO Specialist, Symplify Conversion